Saturday, April 22, 2023



Idea - MAKE FLOWER BOMBS: a flower bomb is like bombing for peace against the pavement jungle

I  wrote a poem & a song. I hope you don't mind me sharing 

A mother on this earth

Annie's heart beats with a love so pure,

As she stands strong, a mom for sure.

Through trauma and turmoil, she has been,

But Liam brings light to the darkness within.

She worries for him, each and every day,

Praying to the gods to guide his way.

Thankful for the earth and its healing grace,

As she teaches Liam to keep his own pace.

Her dad, now passed, a spirit in the sky,

Watchful eyes, never far from her side.

Healing through grief, finding solace in love,

Annie's heart soars, blessed from above.

Liam, her son, a treasure so dear,

Bringing her joy, and calming her fear.

Annie sees in him the promise of tomorrow,

And with each passing day, she'll heal her sorrow.

So thank god and goddess, the earth, and her dad,

For with them by her side, she'll never feel sad.

Annie, a mom, a healer, a friend,

Forever grateful that Liam is in her life till the end.



My song

Earth Day by Annie-kelsey

Verse 1:
Earth Day comes around, a time to celebrate
Our planet and its beauty, let's appreciate
The love we have for Mother Earth, let it shine
Protect and heal her, it's time

Earth Day, love and healing
A mother's love, unyielding
We'll make this world a better place
For generations to embrace

Verse 2:
As a mom, I know the love of nurturing
Holding tight, keeping safe, unwavering
Let's give the same to the Earth we call home
Our love and care, a ripple to be shown

Earth Day, love and healing
A mother's love, unyielding
We'll make this world a better place
For generations to embrace

The world may be hurting, but hope still shines
We can make a change, if we combine
Our strength, our love, and our care
We'll heal the Earth, and make it fair

Earth Day, love and healing
A mother's love, unyielding
We'll make this world a better place
For generations to embrace

On this Earth Day, let's vow to be
The guardians of our planet, for eternity
With love in our hearts, we'll make a start
And heal this world, with our part. 

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