Sunday, April 9, 2023



Easter is a special day in Christianity commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

 While it is true that Easter has roots in Pagan holidays, it has since become a significant Christian celebration and is not seen as a Pagan holiday anymore.

 Christians celebrate this day with religious ceremonies, feast and family gatherings to honor the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

The importance of Easter lies in its importance to Christian beliefs, which emphasizes the belief of eternal life through Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead. 

As such, Easter remains an important event for many believers around the world who celebrate this special occasion with solemnity and joy each year.

Why is Easter on a different day every year?

The date of Easter varies from year to year because of a decision made by the first major church council.

In 325 AD, the Council of Nicaea determined that Easter should fall on the first Sunday following the first Full Moon after the Spring Equinox.


Easter Eggs and Easter Egg Hunts have been a tradition in many cultures dating back to Pagan lore. 

The idea of finding hidden eggs on Easter morning is said to have originated with the goddess Ēostre, who was late coming in one year and the snow didn't melt in time for her arrival.

 As a result, children were tasked with finding eggs that Ēostre had hidden throughout the winter snow. This has since become an integral part of celebrating Easter as we know it today, bringing joy and excitement to both children and adults alike.


Today, these eggs have become more than mere gifts for animals; they are an integral part of Easter celebrations around the world.

 Everyone from kids to adults partake in egg hunts with friends and family members, making it one of the most enjoyable activities during this festive season. 

Furthermore, these eggs also serve as hidden surprises known as "Easter Eggs" - little treats or messages hidden within something else - which adds an extra level of fun to any activity!

Hot Cross Buns

While many people enjoy hot cross buns, which they believe are meant to symbolize the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, on Easter, buns decorated with a cross were also prepared by Pagans celebrating Ostara.

 For followers of the goddess, the cross represents the four seasons and the four main phases of the moon.

What do I (Annie) do to celebrate easter in a way that feels right for me? 
I celebrate Easter as a Celebration of the Goddess of Spring - 

A related perspective is that, rather than being a representation of the story of Ishtar, Easter was originally a celebration of Eostre, goddess of Spring, otherwise known as Ostara, Austra, and Eastre. One of the most revered aspects of Ostara for both ancient and modern observers is a spirit of renewal.

Celebrated at Spring Equinox on March 21, Ostara marks the day when light is equal to darkness, and will continue to grow. As the bringer of light after a long dark winter, the goddess was often depicted with the hare, an animal that represents the arrival of spring as well as the fertility of the season.

According to Jacob Grimm’s Deutsche Mythologie , the idea of resurrection was ingrained within the celebration of Ostara: “Ostara, Eástre seems therefore to have been the divinity of the radiant dawn, of upspringing light, a spectacle that brings joy and blessing, whose meaning could be easily adapted by the resurrection-day of the christian’s God.”

Most analyses of the origin of the word ‘Easter’ agree that it was named after Eostre, an ancient word meaning ‘spring’, though many European languages use one form or another of the Latin name for Easter, Pascha, which is derived from the Hebrew Pesach, meaning Passover. 

Enjoy your Easter -Annie

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